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  • Large-scale time-multiplexed nanophotonic parametric oscillators, R. M. Gray, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, G. H. Y. Li, S. Zhou, A. Roy, M. Parto, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2405.17355).


  • Mesoscopic ultrafast nonlinear optics — The emergence of multimode quantum non-Gaussian physics, R. Yanagimoto, E. Ng, M. Jankowski, R. Nehra, T. P. McKenna, T. Onodera, L. G. Wright, R. Hamerly, A. Marandi, M. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, Optica 11 (7), 896-918 (2024).


  • Highly efficient visible and near-IR photon pair generation with thin-film lithium niobate, N. A. Harper, E. Y. Hwang, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, C. Perez, A. Marandi, S. Cushing, Optica Quantum 2 (2), 103-109 (2024).



  • Visible-to-Ultraviolet Frequency Comb Generation in Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides, T.-H. Wu, L. Ledezma, C. Fredrick, P. Sekhar, R. Sekine, Q. Guo, R. M. Briggs, A. Marandi, S. A. Diddams, Nature Photonics 18, 218–223 (2024).


  • Ultra-Short Pulse Biphoton Source in Lithium Niobate Nanophotonics at 2µm, J. Williams, R. Nehra, E. Sendonaris, L. Ledezma, R. M. Gray, R. Sekine, A. Marandi, Nanophotonics (2024).




  • Cavity Soliton-Induced Topological Edge States, C. R. Leefmans, N. Englebert, J. Williams, R. M. Gray, N. Goldman, S. P. Gorza, F. Leo, A. Marandi (arXiv:2311.04873).


  • Highly efficient visible and near-IR photon pair generation with thin-film lithium niobate, N. Harper, E. Hwang, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, C. Perez, A. Marandi, S. Cushing (arXiv:2310.07046).


  • Multi-Octave Frequency Comb from an Ultra-Low-Threshold Nanophotonic Parametric Oscillator, R. Sekine, R. M. Gray, L. Ledezma, S. Zhou, Q. Guo, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2309.04545).


  • Deep Learning with Photonic Neural Cellular Automata, G. H. Y. Li, C. R. Leefmans, J. Williams, R. M. Gray, M. Parto, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2309.13186).


  • Enhanced sensitivity via non-Hermitian topology, M. Parto, C. Leefmans, J. Williams, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2305.03282).


  • Engineering cubic quantum nondemolition Hamiltonian with mesoscopic optical parametric interactions, R. Yanagimoto, R. Nehra, E. Ng, A. Marandi, H. Mabuchi, (arXiv:2305.03260).


  • Cavity-soliton-enhanced mid-IR molecular sensing, R. M. Gray, M. Liu, S. Zhou, A. Roy, L. Ledezma, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2301.07826).


  • Ultrafast mode-locked laser in nanophotonic lithium niobate,Q. Guo, B. K. Gutierrez, R. Sekine, R. M. Gray, J. A. Williams, L. Ledezma, L. Costa, A. Roy, S. Zhou, M. Liu, A. Marandi, Science 382, 708-713 (2023).


  • Visible-to-mid-IR tunable frequency comb in nanophotonics, A. Roy, L. Ledezma, L. Costa, R. Gray, R. Sekine, Q. Guo, M. Liu, R. M. Briggs, A. Marandi, Nature Communications 14, 6549 (2023).


  • Tunable and efficient ultraviolet generation with periodically poled lithium niobate, E. Hwang, N. Harper, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, A. Marandi, S. K. Cushing, Optics Letters 48 (15), 3917-3920 (2023).


  • Octave-spanning tunable infrared parametric oscillators in nanophotonics, L. Ledezma, A. Roy, L. Costa, R. Sekine, R. Gray, Q. Guo, R. M. Briggs, A. Marandi, Science Advances 9, eadf9711(2023).



  • Quantum nondemolition measurements with optical parametric amplifiers for ultrafast universal quantum information processing, R. Yanagimoto, R. Nehra, R. Hamerly, E. Ng, A. Marandi, H. Mabuchi, PRX Quantum 4, 010333 (2023).




  • All-optical ultrafast ReLU function for energy-efficient nanophotonic deep learning, G. Li, R. Sekine, R. Nehra, R. M. Gray, L. Ledezma, Q. Guo, A. Marandi,  Nanophotonics 12(5): 847–855 (2023).







  • Femtojoule femtosecond all-optical switching in lithium niobate nanophotonics, Q. Guo, R. Sekine, L. Ledezma, R. Nehra, D. J. Dean, A. Roy, R. M. Gray, S. Jahani, A. Marandi, Nature Photonics16 (9), 625-631 (2022).


  • High-Power Mid-IR Few-Cycle Frequency Comb from Quadratic Solitons in an Optical Parametric Oscillator, M. Liu, R. M. Gray, A. Roy, K. A. Ingold, E. Sorokin, I. Sorokina, P. G. Schunemann, A. Marandi, Laser & Photonics Review2200453 (2022).



  • Intense optical parametric amplification in dispersion engineered nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides, L. Ledezma, R. Sekine, Q. Guo, R. Nehra, S. Jahani, A. Marandi, Optica 9 (3), 303-308 (2022).


  • Nonlinear quantum behavior of ultrashort-pulse optical parametric oscillators, T. Onodera, E. Ng, N. Lörch, A. Yamamura, R. Hamerly, P. L. McMahon, A. Marandi, H. Mabuchi,  Physical Review A 105, 033508 (2022).


  • Quasi-static optical parametric amplification, M. Jankowski, N. Jornod, C. Langrock, B. Desiatov, A. Marandi, M. Lončar, M. M. Fejer, Optica 9 (3), 273-279 (2022).


  • Topological Dissipation in a Time-Multiplexed Photonic Resonator Network, C. Leefmans, A. Dutt, J. Williams, L. Yuan, M. Parto, F. Nori, S. Fan, A. Marandi, Nature Physics 18,442–449 (2022).





  • All-optical Quantum State Engineering for Rotation-symmetric Bosonic States, R. Nehra, M. Eaton, O. Pfister, A. Marandi, (arXiv:2105.11035).


  • Non-Dissipative Non-Hermitian Dynamics and Exceptional Points in Coupled Optical Parametric Oscillators, A. Roy, S. Jahani, Q. Guo, A. Dutt, S. Fan, M.-A. Miri, A. Marandi, Optica 8(3), 415-421 (2021).





  • Mie resonance engineering in meta-shell supraparticles for nanoscale nonlinear optics, J. H. Bahng, S. Jahani, D. G. Montjoy, T. Yao, N. Kotov, A. Marandi, ACS Nano 14, 12, 17203–17212 (2020).




  • Ultrabroadband Nonlinear Optics in Nanophotonic Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguides, M. Jankowski, C. Langrock, B. Desiatov, A. Marandi, C. Wang, M. Zhang, C. R. Phillips, M. Lončar, M. M. Fejer, Optica 7 (1), 40-46 (2020).




  • Multi-watt, broadband second-harmonic-generation in MgO: PPSLT waveguides fabricated with femtosecond laser micromachining, M. Triplett, J. Khaydarov, X. Xu, A. Marandi, G. Imeshev, J. Arntsen, A. Ninan, G. Miller, C. Langrock, Optics Express 27, 21102-21115 (2019).


  • Experimental investigation of performance differences between Coherent Ising Machines and a quantum annealer, R. Hamerly, T. Inagaki, P. L. McMahon, D. Venturelli, A. Marandi, T. Onodera, E. Ng, C. Langrock, K. Inaba, T. Honjo, K. Enbutsu, T. Umeki, R. Kasahara, S. Utsunomiya, S. Kako, K. Kawarabayashi, R. L. ByerM. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, D. Englund, E. Rieffel, H. Takesue, Y. Yamamoto, Science Advances 5, aau0823 (2019).



  • Ultrahigh-efficiency wavelength conversion in nanophotonic periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides, C. Wang, C. Langrock, A. Marandi, M. Jankowski, M. Zhang, B. Desiatov, M. M. Fejer, M. Lončar, Optica 5, 1438-1441(2018)


  • Efficient half-harmonic generation of three-optical-cycle mid-IR frequency comb around 4 µm using OP-GaP, E. Sorokin, A. Marandi, P. G. Schunemann, M. M. Fejer, R. L. Byer, and I. T. Sorokina, Optics Express 26 (2018), 9963-9971.




  • Simulating the classical XY model with a laser network, S. Tamate, Y. Yamamoto, A. Marandi, P. McMahon, S. Utsunomiya (arXiv:1608.00358)


  • Reduced models and design principles for half-harmonic generation in synchronously-pumped optical parametric oscillators, R. Hamerly, A. Marandi, M. Jankowski, M. M. Fejer, Y. Yamamoto, H. Mabuchi, Physical Review A 94.6 (2016): 063809.


  • A fully- programmable 100-spin coherent Ising machine with all-to-all connections, P. McMahon*, A. Marandi*, Y. Haribara, R. Hamerly, C. Langrock, S. Tamate, T. Inagaki, H. Takesue, S. Utsunomiya, K. Aihara, R. L. Byer, M. M. Fejer, H. Mabuchi, Y. Yamamoto, Science 354. 6312, (2016): 614-617.


  • A coherent Ising machine for 2000-node optimization problems, T. Inagaki, Y Haribara, K Igarashi, T Sonobe, S Tamate, T Honjo, A. Marandi, P. L. McMahon, T. Umeki, K. Enbutsu, O. Tadanaga, H. Takenouchi, K. Aihara, K. Kawarabayashi, K. Inoue, S. Utsunomiya, H. Takesue, Science 354.6312 (2016): 603-606.


  • A 16-bit coherent Ising machine for one-dimensional ring and cubic graph problems, K. Takata, A. Marandi, R. Hamerly, Y. Haribara, D. Maruo, S. Tamate, H. Sakaguchi, S. Utsunomiya, Y. Yamamoto, Scientific Reports 6:34089 (2016).


  • Cascaded half-harmonic generation of femtosecond frequency combs in the mid-IR, A. Marandi, K. A. Ingold, M. Jankowsky, R. L. Byer, Optica 3, 324-327 (2016).




  • Femtosecond optical parametric oscillator frequency combs, Y. Kobayashi, K. Torizuka, A. Marandi, R. L. Byer, R. A. McCracken, Z. Zhang, D. T. Reid, Journal of Optics 17 094010 (2015)


  • Fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator for half-harmonic generation of sub-100-fs frequency combs around 2 μm, K. A. Ingold, A. Marandi, M. J. F. Digonnet, R. L. Byer, Optics Letters 40, 4368-4371 (2015).



  • Network of time-multiplexed optical parametric oscillators as a coherent Ising machine, A. Marandi, Z. Wang, K. Takata, R. L. Byer, Y. Yamamoto, Nature Photonics 8, 937-942 (2014).


  • 87Rb-stabilized 375-MHz Yb: fiber femtosecond frequency comb, T. C. Schratwieser, K. Balskus, R. A. McCracken, C. Farrell, C. G. Leburn, Z. Zhang, T. P. Lamour, T. I. Ferreiro, A. Marandi, A. S. Arnold, D. T. Reid,  Optics Express 22, 10494-10499 (2014).


  • Fractional-length sync-pumped degenerate optical parametric oscillator for 500-MHz 3-μm mid-infrared frequency comb generation, K. Ingold, A. Marandi, C. W. Rudy, K. L. Vodopyanov, R. L. Byer, Optics Letters 39, 900-903 (2014).




  • Five‐cycle pulses near λ=3 μm produced in a subharmonic optical parametric oscillator via fine dispersion management, M. W. Haakestad, A. Marandi, N. Leindecker, K. L. Vodopyanov, Laser & Photonics Reviews 7, L93-L97 (2013).






  • Sub-50 fs pulses around 2070 nm from a synchronously-pumped, degenerate OPO, C. W. Rudy, A. Marandi, K. A. Ingold, S. J. Wolf, K. L. Vodopyanov, R. L. Byer, L. Yang, P. Wan, J. Liu, Optics Express 20, 27589-27595 (2012). 


  • Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in tapered chalcogenide fiber for producing octave-spanning frequency comb around 3 μm, A. Marandi, C. W. Rudy, V. G. Plotnichenko, E. M. Dianov, K. L. Vodopyanov, R. L. Byer, Optics Express 20, 24218-24225 (2012).


  • All-optical quantum random bit generation from intrinsically binary phase of parametric oscillators, A. Marandi, N. C. Leindecker, K. L. Vodopyanov, R. L. Byer, Optics Express 20, 19322-19330 (2012).


  • Coherence properties of a broadband femtosecond mid-IR optical parametric oscillator operating at degeneracy, A. Marandi, N. C. Leindecker, R. L. Byer, K. L. Vodopyanov, Optics Express 20, 7255-7262 (2012).


  • Octave-spanning ultrafast OPO with 2.6-6.1 µm instantaneous bandwidth pumped by femtosecond Tm-fiber laser, N. Leindecker, A. Marandi, R. L. Byer, K. L. Vodopyanov, J. Jiang, I. Hartl, M. Fermann, and P. G. Schunemann, Optics Express 20, 7046-7053 (2012).








  • Search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescence in LIGO’s sixth science run and Virgo’s science runs 2 and 3, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Physical Review D 85, 082002 (20011).



  • Upper limits on a stochastic gravitational-wave background using LIGO and Virgo interferometers at 600–1000 Hz, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Physical Review D 85, 122001 (2011).